This week’s Seven Question Beer Sunday is the New York native and self-proclaimed funny guy, Patrick @benedictbeerblog. I will admit, his posts are quite comical and his reels are very entertaining, including his SQBS reply below👇. I am certain his 7k followers would also agree. He also has a beer blog, however, the last post was in early 2019.
Nonetheless, his Instagram account is very active, with many posts (3000+ of them) of pics and personal views of beer from a wide variety of breweries. One of my personal favorites is his from his merch site of a shirt that says, Pilsner is for lovers. The Christmas family photo from his Insta is an absolute gem but I’ll let you find that one on your own. 😎
Cheers, Patrick! 🍻
- What is your name and location?
Patrick aka @benedictbeerblog, and I live in Queens, NYC. - What is your day job?
My day job is Leading a wonderful team at a Fruit Themed Technology Company, also I run all Social Media for Big aLICe Brewing, with (soon to be) 3 locations, in Long Island City, Queens, Sunset Park, Brooklyn, and (Spring 2021 ETA) Geneva, NY! - Where can we find you on the socials?
Benedict beer Blog Merch Page
1 – The name of your favorite gastropub with the best tap list and where is it located?
Astoria Bier & Cheese, 2 locations in Astoria, Queens. NYC! If you love artisanal cheese, charcuterie, sandwiches and delicious pretzels, plus amazing beer, these are the spots for you!
(editor note: Astoria B&C is one of my favorite places like eva)
2 – The world is ending and you can only choose one to drink, Coors Light, Bud Heavy, or PBR?
PBR by a mile! Also, is PBR ever served WITHOUT a shot of cheap whiskey?
3 – An out of town friend pops in unannounced, wants you to go brewery where you heading and why?
Pretending there is no COVID, we’re going right to Big aLICe Brewing Brewery & Taproom in Long Island City, Queens. They have 12 taps that will please any palate, plus cans and bottles to stay or to go, as well as cider, wine, and NA beer.
4 – Ever have Dogfish Head 120? If yes, what did you think?
Oh my, my, my. Sammy Calgione’s 120?? Of course! This beer is delicious both fresh and age-ed, and will literally put you right to sleep, so please drink in bed. Thank you.
5 – The beer you haven’t had yet but would go thru extra measures to get?
Now that I work in the industry, and as a 37-year-old, my priorities are focused primarily on my beautiful family and friends. There are so many of your local breweries making delicious, technically perfect beer that you don’t have to wait in line for! Go get that, especially now. Support your local brewery!
6 – You are staring at a Heady Topper and a Focal Banger, which one do you grab and why?
I go with a Heady Topper because that was the OG East Coast IPA, and I pretend I’m half as cool as Bernie Sanders holding a can of Heady Topper.
7 – Ever have Three Floyds Dark Lord? If yes, what did you think?
I have not! But it brings me so much joy to watch people poop on that beer after going through much to get it 😂😂😂!
Look for these future responses from the following for SQBS soon…
Part 52
Extra special anniversary edition from extra special guests!
Part 53 – Could be you!
If you want to be featured, send me a DM or reach out to me via email at [email protected]. Feel free to comment at the very bottom if you want to see more!
You can also find my other posts and pics on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!