Today’s Seven Question Beer Sunday guests are @beerisbrewtiful, (aka Katie) and @craftpairody, (aka Luis & Danny). Katie’s Instagram account is full of beer theme flavored pics and very creative content. This beer beauty from our nation’s capital seems to always have the most sought-after brews too. Cruising thru her pics only to find the one below and now I’m completely jealous!
Luis & Danny, both from Massachusetts, are hitting the beer scene large with epic pics at breweries and beer festivals while hanging out with friends. This beer duo elevated their beer game becoming the “Creative Strategist” for a local homebrewer, looking to turn pro, Headcount Brewing, in Milford, MA. Way to move that craft beer needle more forward, gents! 👊
Cheers to all and have yourself a great week 🍻
- What is your name and location?
Katie B., born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA (Go Pens!), currently living in Washington, DC. - What is your day job? (actual place or just what you do)
My “day job” is in education–I’m a second-grade teacher in DCPS. - Where can we find you on the socials including Untapp’d?
Socials: Instagram @beerisbrewtiful and Untappd @kaybouvs - Want to plug your side hustle?
Day job keeps me too busy for any side hustles currently! Always thought it would be cool to get a summer gig as a beertender or brewery rep, though. (Who’s hiring?)
1 – Your number one pet peeve at a brewery?
Unchaperoned children. As someone who works with kids all day every day, we don’t like having to use our “teacher voices” when we’re enjoying a post-work or weekend beer. I actually love children at breweries when they are behaving and having quality family time, but please don’t bring the whole little league team if you’re just going to ignore them and let them wreak havoc.
2 – Your go-to beer while having dinner?
As someone who derives a great deal of joy from proper beer pairings, I love pale ales with burgers, porters with rich barbeque or chocolate, witbier with mussels or oysters, etc. That all being said, I’ll usually order a pilsner or Kolsch with most restaurant meals. When I cook at home, I’ll drink whatever’s in the fridge.
3 – How many beer-related hats do you own?
Remarkably, very few? But I have purchased more than I can count for my brewery-hat-addicted partner. My personal favorite is a tropical print snapback from KCBC. I’m more of a beanie girl, myself. Can Carhartt partner with one of my favorite breweries or sponsor me already?
4 – Ever drink a pint of Guinness on St. Patty’s Day?
Almost every year. Usually in conjunction with a [Irish car] bomb shot of Bailey’s and Jameson…
5 – Favorite brewery or beer from Florida?
So many good ones. I’d go with Calusa for IPAs, Tripping Animals for sours, Angry Chair for stouts.
6 – Last time you met friends at a brewery since COVID?
I’m lucky to live near Other Half’s new DC facility and have spent many COVID nights there since their opening. They pulled a ton of really talented brewers from all over, and so it’s always a good scene.
7 – Describe your best brewery experience?
Visiting Brasserie Cantillon in Brussels and touring their brewing facility. Nothing has changed–beers, tools, and brewing process–since 1900 when it was founded. It’s an absolute time machine and was one of the coolest beer/travel experiences of my life.
- What is your name and location?
Luis – Milford, MA.
Danny -Framingham, MA. - What is your day job?
(L) Work at a high-end bodyshop as a collision tech.
(D) Work at a Biomedical company, part-time server. - Where can we find you on the socials including Untapp’d?
(L) @landia_lu & @CraftPairody, Untappd @craftpairody.
(D) @Dannyrascal & @CraftPairody, Untappd DG617. - Want to plug your side hustle?
(L) Freelance everything as a side hustle. Currently working on @TheBeerWorldOfficial event, give it a follow.
1 – Yea or nae on beer festivals and why?
(L) Beer festivals are essential. It’s the best way to try new beers and meet fellow craft lovers.
(D) Yay on beer festivals. They are a dope way to try new beers from different places and meet other beer lovers.
2 – Favorite brewery or beer from Texas?
(L) Yellow Rose from Lone Pint Brewery is my favorite TX beer. Thus far 8th Wonder Brewery is the coolest place I’ve visited.
(D) My favorite beer from TX is Houston Hazier from Spindletap.
3 – Ever have Sam Adams Utopias? If yes, what did you think?
(L) o never had Sam Adams Utopia. Trading your first born for a 3oz. pour just doesn’t seem fair.
(D) No never had Sam Adams Utopia.
4 – What is your least favorite beer style?
(L) Barleywines are the best said no one ever.
(D) Least favorite beer style is Barleywine.
5 – Ever drink a pint of Guinness on St. Patty’s Day?
(L) My first pint was on my 21st birthday on St. Patty’s day. Was almost a yearly tradition after that.
(D) I’ve had a pint of Guinness in Htown and in Boston.
6 – Favorite brewery or beer from New England?
(L) Favorite beer from New England is the classic Julius from Treehouse. Favorite brewery to visit is Aeronaut Brewing.
(D) My favorite beer from New England is DDH Vicinity from Trillium and my favorite brewery is Exhibit A.
7 – Ever been to a Meadery and if yes, which one?
(L) Never been to a meadery, but refer me to a good one and it will go on the bucket list.
(D) I’ve never have been to a meadery.
(editor note: I’m particularly fond of Honey Bound Meadery in Tyngsborough)
Look for these future responses from the following for SQBS soon…
Part 36
The team over at @littlehousebrew in Chester, CT.
Part 37
@grantsgristmill and @localbrewdude
Part 38
Part 39 – Could be you?
If you want to be featured, send me a DM or reach out to me via email at [email protected]. Feel free to comment at the very bottom if you want to see more!
You can also find my other posts and pics on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!