Another weekend, another Seven Question Beer Sunday. Next on the list is Casey aka @caseylikesbeers. The Green Bay, Wisconsin resident, and avid Packers fan, does a fantastic job posting his beer pics on the Gram. He’s also encroaching on the 1000 follower mark and plans to do a giveaway. So go give him a follow!
His answers for SQBS are very well thought out. I also love when readers include their doggos in their beer pics (more please). The one below has to be one of my favorites, beer included! As the caption from this pic reads ” 🐶 Ghost approves and will not share.” 😂
Thanks for playing SQBS, Casey! 🍻
- What is your name and location?
Casey M., from the Green Bay, Wisconsin area (Go Packers!) - What is your day job?
I work in educational data management. - Where can we find you on the socials including Untapp’d?
Instagram – @caseylikesbeers …Almost at 1K followers, soo a big thank you giveaway is coming soon, just saying 🙂
Untappd: caseylikesbeersWI - Want to plug your side hustle? List it here…
Side hustle: Recently started managing my social media for my brother’s antique gas pump restoration business (Check it out – IG @oilcanmanrestorations)
1 – Hop Head or Malt Head and why?
I am definitely a big time Hop Head, but I’ll drink malty beers too. After years of not really drinking IPAs and staying away from the bitter beers, it seems like I can’t get enough after really getting more into craft beer during the last few years. Give me Citra and lots of it, and Black Stack’s Triple IPAs!
2 – Favorite beer (style or type) for a nightcap?
Typically as of late since the cold winter nights of Wisconsin call for it, a high BBA stout is my go-to! A solid 12oz can or bottle of a dark, boozy stout is the perfect nightcap in my opinion. Not too much of a roasty coffee profile though because sometimes those BBA’s keep you up at night, wanting another!
3 – Have you ever done any beer trading and how many trades have you done, if yes?
What a concept, trade beer through the mail. Who would have thought? Not me until last year. Beer trading over Instagram has been a lot of fun during the pandemic since I’ve been at home working for almost a year now. It keeps me connected to the outside world in a way. I’ve done probably over a dozen trades with people from coast to coast. It’s great trying beers you can’t get otherwise. I have a list of people who are asking me for Wisconsin beers all the time, so I’ll be looking to do a lot more throughout 2021. I also trade with a few old friends in other parts of the country since they can’t usually get the abundance of good beer Wisconsin has to offer unless I send it to them.
(editor note: I’m thinking you’ll get a few more after this posts 😁)
4 – Ever been to a brewery in Europe, if yes which one?
I have never traveled to Europe, but it certainly is on our list of places to go once the pandemic subsides. Not a brewery, but I’d really like to check out the Arrogant Sour Festival in Italy someday!
5 – What was the name and location of the first brewery you visited?
This was a tough question to answer for me. I know back when I was a kid I visited Miller and Pabst in Milwaukee; I’ve also been to Budweiser in St. Louis, which is like its own town. When it comes to craft beer, one of the first I can remember is the legendary Jacob Leinenkugel’s Brewing Company located in Chippewa Falls, WI. I know I wasn’t old enough to drink at the time, but it was a great tour and the scenery around the facility is spectacular, I remember it vividly and this was roughly 18 years ago. Now Leine’s isn’t really considered craft beer anymore in most eyes, but it’s a great visit! Check it out!
6 – Ever been to a Meadery and if yes, which one?
A stand-alone meadery, I have not. Two years ago I drove through Prescott, Arizona in hopes of checking out Superstition, but unfortunately, it was closed when we came into town briefly, I’ll be back there soon though! However, a bunch of wineries in the Door County region of Wisconsin (check it out if you don’t know where that is) has recently started making Mead so I have been to the likes of Door Peninsula Winery!
7 – What was the first beer you ever had and how old were you?
Another really tough question. I am from Wisconsin, soo sticking with most small-town Wisconsin traditions, we started drinking at a young age…I no longer condone this type of activity. I was probably around age 12 when I tasted my first clear glass bottle of Miller Genuine Draft! Not the greatest first beer ever. Most other kids’ parents had Bud Light or other non-Wisconsin beers on hand where I grew up, so having an MGD was kind of a big deal! MGD is an underrated summer crusher if it’s really hot and sticky outside.
Look for these future responses from the following for SQBS soon…
Part 59
Nathan @beer_ranger
Part 60
Barry @hop_tick
Part 61 – Could be you!
If you want to be featured, send me a DM or reach out to me via email at [email protected]. Feel free to comment at the very bottom if you want to see more!
You can also find my other posts and pics on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!